EcoEnergia commands educated service departments and undertakes a candidate investor from the first phase of the simple information about energy, to the final completion of investment constructing and connecting the station with the grid of the Electrical Company. Thus, a candidate investor who begins collaboration with EcoEnergia, is provided by all the following services:
- Complete information about the cost of the investment, the efficiencies of the potential station, the particularities of the efficiency depending on the region, the bureaucratic actions that are required, as well as the time needed for the completion of the investment.
- Development of all needed economic and technical studies, as well as transaction of the action required in the various services for the publication of the production license.
- Detailed written technical and economic offer with complete documentation of the choice of equipment and materials of manufacture, as well as the construction and maintainance cost.
- Detailed application study with the highest quality standards regarding the work and the materials, result of the 20-year-experience in studies and constructions of electromechanical projects.
- Formation of contract with detailed timetable of completion of the project with written guarantee of proper operation and efficiency, for the complete insuring of the customer.
- Economic facilitation at the beginning of the project or regarding with the economic settlement afterwards the construction if required.
- Rigorous supervision during every phase of construction by trained foremen for qualitative construction and absolute observance of timetable.
- Completely trained and locally organised technical department for direct intervention and fast resolution of technical problems that has been organised and are functioned in all over Greece.
- Organised warehouses with parts and stock materials from the all instruments that have been installed in the photovoltaic stations of the customers.